Friday, April 15, 2011

Copper Fold Form Workshop with Ed Mack

The copper cold form workshop was held on March 5. It was a lot of fun, and I left with some interesting forms and new ideas for my work. Ranging from bracelets to flowers this class deffinetly helped with the idea of the organic properties of metal that was stressed in the earlier classes.

Vivian Beer's Hot Sheetmetal Forming Class

Taking another heat on my bowl

My anvil the day of the class
Having some fun with Vivian while my bowl heats up

The two day intensive class,  taught by artist Vivian Beers, was held on March 19-20. With a focus on sheet/plate metal abuse and forming, the class was an amazing insite into the uses of thiner material in arcitectual applications. Vivian’s innovative work has been exhibited at The Mint Museum, Fuller Craft Museum, SOFA Chicago, Palm Beach 3, and the International Contemporary Furniture Fair.  Some of her public sculptures are installed on the waterfront in Portland, ME. See more about Vivian and her exciting work online at

Forging The Grotesque with Fred Christ

Fred Crist, sculptor and fine metals artist, lead a 3-day workshop on Forging the Grotesque on April 1-3, 2011 which i attended. Surrounded by a variety of people with all different skill levels, i was able to catch a rare and very fortunate look into the art of forging animal heads in different shapes and sizes.